Hello from mountains

Hello from mountains

Welcome to my site. My name is Sergei. I am from Saint Petersburg, Russia.

On this site I share my portfolio and also posts with information, I find useful. I decided to create it since I realized that my experience cannot be covered by a simple CV. In certain cases, more details and description has to be given to explain the nature of the considered problem and the proposed solution. In addition to that, sites structures are highly flexible compared with personal pages in social networks like LinkedIn.

My professional interests include physically based modeling in biomechanics, computational biology, and also three-dimensional point clouds and mesh processing. I’ve graduated from the Saint Petersburg State University, faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Russia. In my diploma thesis, I described a creation of a multilayer mass-spring model and procedure that simulates implant or expander extension under soft tissues. It was supposed to predict the result of a surgical procedure. Ten years later I have defended my PhD at the University of Strasbourg, France. The topic was dedicated to estimation of boundary conditions around a liver organ. After that I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in computational biology domain at the University of Montpellier, France. The project was related to a model that describes embryo development process. More details can be found on the research page.

Talking about personal interests, I enjoy jogging, and several times I participated in challenges related to sports orienteering. I love traveling, though more like a tourist, and I have visited many places, particularly in France. My another hobby is cooking; however, I prefer to prepare plates where the taste is obtained by mixing the specific ingredients and not by using complex cooking conditions or environment. Also I am performing learning in different domains. For example, recently I got known with the concept of deliberate practices and physical exercises based on kinesiology. This has shifted my understanding on how we have to train our brain and our muscles. And, by the way, talent is overrated; thus, it is possible for everybody to improve their abilities in everything.


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